Tuesday, 13 August 2013

Who determines what it means to be a success

What I am about to say will sound a bit pompous, but its true. Whats coming could be important, if you grasp this, you would be happy forever. You will never be unhappy again. Its like throwing black paint in the air, in an attempt to color it, you never can contaminate it. You will be at peace, you will remain uncontaminated. Like you shine a torch into a sewer, the light passes through lighting up the dirty water, but itself is not contaminated!

Who determines what it means to be a success? This society. The main preoccupation of this society is to keep society sick with the idea of success.

A small time businessman is sipping beer at a bar somewhere and he's saying, "Well look at all my classmates, they've really made it." What does he mean 'they made it'? They got their names in the newspaper, one has become president of a large corporation, another chief justice, do you call  that making it? (They'll be all red if a stain happened on their shirt or paralysed with fear wondering if they'd be re-elected) 

Lets get a second opinion from Carl Rogers - "People, however, in the course of
actualizing their potentials, created society and culture.  In and of
itself, that’s not a problem:  We are a social creature, it is our
nature.  But when we created culture, it developed a life of its
own.  Rather than remaining close to other aspects of our natures, culture
can become a force in its own right.  And even if, in the long run, a
culture that interferes with our actualization dies out, we, in all likelihood,
will die with it.

Don’t misunderstand: Culture and society are not intrinsically evil!  It’s more along the lines of the birds of paradise found in Papua-New Guinea.  The colorful and
 plumage of the males apparently distract predators from females and the young.  Natural selection has led these birds towards more and more elaborate tail feathers, until in some species the male can no longer get off the ground.  At that point, being colorful doesn’t do the male -- or the species -- much good!  In the same way, our elaborate societies, complex cultures, incredible technologies, for
all that they have helped us to survive and prosper, may at the same time serve
to harm us, and possibly even destroy us."
No I am not against society, or success, all of it is good provided we are able to drop the labels and not attach these to the essential "I". Because "I" am not these things, these will pass. "I" is neither great or small, "I" is not success or failure. "I" is none of these labels, thats "me". I love to hear little two-year-olds

talk: "Tommy had his breakfast this morning". He does'nt say I, even though he is Tommy. He says Tommy in the third person. The kingdom of God belongs to such as these,  disidentified! thats what the mystics keep saying. The Japanese Zen masters say:"Dont seek the truth, just drop your opinions" and you can count Meister Eckhart too. Scriptures are loaded with appeals to disidentify, not disown.

Happiness is our natural state, the natural state of children, to whom the kingdom belongs until they have been polluted and contaminated by our society and culture. We dont have to do anything to to acquire happiness, we cannot acquire what you already have. We dont have to add anything to be happy, we've got to drop something. Life is delightful its only hard on our illusions,our ambitions,our greed, our craving, and these come from us having identified with all kinds of labels!

We are uniquely and wonderfully made. In the image of the Creator. The whole is in the part and the part is in the whole! Celebrate life and living, for He is God of the living not of the dead. To Him all are alive.

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