The two tramps sat with their backs to an old oak tree. Before them was a rippling stream. The day was delightful, yet one of them looked disconsolate. “You know, Jim” he mused, “this business of tramping your way through life is not what it’s cracked up to be. Think it over; nights on park benches or on the cold pavement. Travelling on goods-trains and always dodging the police. Being kicked from one town to another. Wondering where your next meal is coming from. Wandering, unwanted everywhere, sneered at by your fellow men…”
His voice trailed off as he sighed heavily. His companion shifted slightly.
“Well,” said the second tramp, “if that’s the way you feel, why don’t you go and find yourself a job?”
“What?” he scowled. “And admit I’m a failure?”
“Well begun is half done” is a saying that has encouraged many pioneers and research workers in their plunge into the unknown. Yet, it takes grit and perseverance to ensure that the work is completed. Planning is important; perseverance is essential. Every enterprise is fraught with obstacles; but don’t let yourself be beaten.
Without opposition, this life would be dull and drab. Obstacles test our talents and challenge our ingenuity. Remember the eagle: it rises against the wind, not with it; nor can it stay up without opposition to support it. As soon as the wind falls, the eagle flutters down helplessly.
Great men and women are like that. Opposition and obstacles bring out the best in them. Just as the obstruction that dams a river forces the water to rise, so should obstacles in our path, stir us up to accumulate strength and concentrate our energy.
Take courage from the poet’s words:
Sometimes we may fail in our aim,
Some sighs and regrets may arise;
But by striving and playing the game
We’ll find where true happiness lies.
Remember also that even great people make mistakes. Their success lies in admitting those mistakes, and gaining by their experience. They do their best and leave the rest to God. You should do the same. Don’t let mistakes keep you down! Vain regrets are a waste of time. You cannnot build on that; it is only good for wallowing in.
So look forward and with trust in God, keep going ahead. When things go wrong, and friends forsake you, keep reminding yourself that you are not alone. Remember that you are never beaten until you accept defeat!
When the going gets tough, the tough get going!
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