I was taken slightly aback when I saw my name at the top of the page before logging in. At first I had assumed that I had’nt logged out properly, to make sure I checked to my right, and it confirmed the FMOTD.
I have been on IBO since the 19th of May this year, have already been FMOTD once and this second, was totally unexpected. I want to thank IBOTool Box for the wonderful platform that it is. Now the platform wouldn’t be what it is, if it were’nt for the people who empower it.
I humbly accept the nomination: (FMOTD)
With gratitude and thanks to Kris and the rest of the IBO team for your selfless dedication and commitment.
To those who have made me laugh at the times, when things seemed so low. And you lifted me up by your inspirational PR’s.
To those, who by your candid comments, allowed me a second look at myself.
To all those who offered me their help and assistance everytime that I needed it, I would like each of you to accept this as my personal ‘Thank You’.
To those who patiently ‘walked’ me through some of the technical glitches I faced. (Not being too tech savvy myself)
To all my fellow IBO-ers, who with their support and encouragement have made this possible.
I could’nt name names as the list would have been too long, and would have sounded prejudiced if, by an oversight I’d dropped a name.
Last but not the least I want you all to share in the joy of knowing that I made my first ever sale on the internet yesterday!
Thank you all once again for being the sharing, caring folks you are!!
Let me conclude with a little poem:
‘Wharever you are, be that.
Whatever you say, be true.
Straight forwardly act, be honest in fact;
Be nobody else but YOU.”
Have a Blessed day!! From:
Stella (my wife, who allows me all the time I need) George (our son, a blessing) and Mercutio (That’s I, Me and Myself
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