Friday, 6 September 2013

What is the color of Success, Happiness, Green??

What is the color of Success, Happiness, Green??

A man born blind comes to me and asks: What is this thing called green? How does one describe the color green to one who was born blind? We use analogies. So I say:'The color green is like soft music'. He says 'Oh', like soft music', I say 'Yes, Soothing and soft music' . And then a second blind man asks me 'What is this color green'? I tell him its something like soft satin, very soft and soothing to the touch.  

And the next day I notice that the two blind men are bashing themselves over the head with bottles. One is saying: Its soft like music and the other is saying its soft like satin! And on it goes.

I've 'found' it! I've found Success, Happiness!Everyone wants to know what would happen. Is this just curiosity? we're always asking how would it fit into this system, or whether it would make sense in that context, or what it would feel like when we finally 'arrive'. Get started and then you'll know; it cannot be described. It cannot be said.!

About 'happiness' (success, making it, arriving- et all), it is widely said in the East, "Those who know do not say, and those who say do not know." Happiness cannot be defined, however what can be described is misery. Drop unhappines, you will know. Love cannot be defined, unlove can. Drop unlove, drop fear and you will know. It cannot be said, only the opposite can be said. The guru cannot give you the truth. Truth cannot be put into a words, into a formula. The guru can only point out your errors. When you drop your errors, opinions, labels, (whatever you choose to call it) you will know the truth (and the truth will set you free). 

What has this to do with Home Business? Affiliate Marketing?.
It has to be as consistant, each day every day get your to-do list done.
Spend time sharing with your associates a little of what you learnt from being and working your business.
Remember whats not good for you is not good for your Client/Customer.
Most important of all is to drop the: ‘Whats in it for me’.
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