Tuesday, 10 September 2013

Effortless Change , Precursor to Wisdom

Effortless Change , Precursor to Wisdom
Lets see if I can conjure up a nice image for you on Effortless Change: When a  sail boat has a mighty wind in its sail, it glides along so effortlessly that the boat man has nothing to do but steer. He makes no effort, he does not push the boat. That’s the image, that’s what happens when change comes through awareness, through understanding.

Paddy fell off the scaffolding and got a good bump. They asked: “Did the fall hurt you, Paddy”? He said: “No, it was the stop that hurt, not the fall!” When you cut through water the water does’nt get hurt; when you cut through something solid, it breaks. We’ve got solid attitudes within us; solid illusions, that’s what bumps against nature, that’s where the hurt comes from, that’s where the pain comes from.

Listen to what an oriental sage has to say (though I don’t remember the name, as with the bible the author does’nt matter)what is said is what matters. “If the eye is unobstructed,  it results in sight;(..remove the log from your eye, then you will be able to see…) if the ear is unobstructed, the result is hearing; (let him who has ears listen to what the Spirit is saying) if the nose is unobstructed, the result is a sense of smell; if the mouth is unobstructed, the result is a  sense of taste; if the mind is unobstructed, the result is wisdom” ( Have a complete change of mind).

Wisdom occurs when we drop the barriers we have erected through our concepts and conditioning. Wisdom is not something acquired; wisdom is not experience; wisdom is not applying yesterdays illusions to today’s problems. As someone once said to me: “In life, fifty years of experience is one years experience repeated fifty times”. You get the same solutions to fall back on: This is the way you deal with the drug addict, alcoholic. This is the way we deal with the brother, sister, in-laws.
This is the way we deal with parents, priests, nuns.This is the way we deal with the job, boss, co-workers. But this is Not wisdom!

Wisom is to be sensitive to this situation, to this person, uninfluenced by any carryover from the past, without residue from the experience of the past. (She was caught in adultery, result: stoning. Let the one that has no sin cast the first stone) This is quite contrary to what we are acustomed to thinking. To my Oriental brothers discourse I’d like to add: When the heart is unobstructed, the result is love. Now after reading this you may have to deal with the big villian, self-dissatisfaction, self-condemnation! We will learn from each other to drop the 'extra' baggage as we, together, journey on.

What has this to do with Home Business? Affiliate Marketing?.
You must sign-up, get in to ‘see’ and ‘know’ it  for what it really is.
Spend time sharing with your associates a little of what you learnt from being and working your business.
Remember whats not good for you is not good for your Client/Customer.
Most important of all is to drop the: ‘Whats in it for me’.
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