Tuesday, 3 September 2013

The monks, Monastery and My Business.

There is a very meaningful Zen story that teaches a divine way of solving our conflicts at the work place, or even at home.
The abbot of a once famous Buddhist monastery that gradually started declining was deeply troubled.  Monks were lax in their practice, novices were leaving and lay supporters were abandoning the monastery.  He travelled far to a sage and recounted his tale of woe—of how much he desired to transform his monastery into a flourishing haven it had been in days of yore.  The sage looked at him and said, “The reason your monastery has languished is that the Buddha is living among you in disguise, and you have not honored Him.”
The abbot hurried back, his mind in turmoil.  The Selfless One was at his monastery!  Who could He be?  Brother Hua? No, he was full of sloth.  Brother Po? No, he was too dull.  He summoned all the monks and revealed the sage’s words.  They, too, were taken aback and looked at each other with suspicion and awe.  Which one of them was the Chosen One?  The disguise was perfect.  Not knowing who He was, they took to treating everyone with the respect due to Gautam Buddha. Their faces started shining with an inner radiance that attracted novices and then other supporters.  In no time, the monastery far surpassed its previous glory.
What has this to do with Home Business? Affiliate Marketing? You have to get in and ‘know’ it. I can write and say a whole lot about it, but that will all be just a hint, a clue, it will not be a description that will justify what you feel, what you ‘know’. A Home Business Opportunity that allows you the privilege of signing up for Free with No Obligation and to ‘know’ what you signed for is what will relieve you of this ‘yoke’. Now you are free to gallop in the direction you choose, from decision to delivery, it is your Business, and yours alone!!
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