Wednesday, 25 September 2013


In the Book of Genesis, we read in the Bible: “The Lord God said, ‘It is not good for man to be alone; let us make him a help like unto himself.” And a most valuable help she has been ever since; for as wife, secretary or housekeeper, woman has proved indispensable to man.
This may be a man’s world; but woman undoubtedly rules it.  In our day, women have infiltrated into every sphere of human endeavour, and reached the top in every career and profession.
Whether or not woman is the mystery she is reputed to be she is certainly a strange mixture of strong and weak qualities:

1.      By nature, she is soft and yielding; but try to change her mind once it is made up!

2.      Her office table is neat, her factory packing is trim, her home is tidy; but take a peep into her handbag!

3.      Though man does the chasing he always ends in getting caught, hence the quip, “Man supposes, she proposes!”

4.      In social service, her high sense of humour is a great help; but her higher sense of rumour can be a great hindrance.

Because her driving ambition has urged man to reach the heights, it has been remarked that behind every great man is a greater woman.  Even if we men are not willing to agree with that unreservedly, we must admit that women never allow men to ruin their laurels by resting on them.  The cynics go to the extent of stating:

                        God created the World and rested;
                        God creaed Man and rested;
                        But after God created Woman,
                        Neither God nor Man has rested.

Ever since Eve led Adam into trouble and then helped him to bear it up bravely, woman has always been the mainstay of man in every field of human has always and enterprise.  And though, from the dawn of Creation, woman has proved to be a mixture of good and evil, the good far outbalances the evil.  May we conclude by stating that for every woman who has made a fool out of a man, there are three who have made a man out of a fool!

A quiz for men only:

Why are women’s mind’s cleaner than men’s?      They change them so often.

Complete the sentence: After man came woman….     And she has been after him ever since.

What method of spreading news is faster, telephone or telegraph? ….. Tell-a-woman.

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