Thursday, 7 November 2013

Everything that manifests originally started in the unknown.

I thought that this might interest some of us and took the privilege to share this mail that I received from a dear friend of mine.

Recently while preparing for a call with one of my coaching clients, I was reflecting more deeply on what my unique "skills" are that really empower me as a coach.

Yes, I've got a lot of great skills, practices, and experiences to draw from. I already "knew" that. That wasn't what I was curious about. I became curious about clarifying what I felt was the real CORE strength of mine.
As I reflected more, I realized that the same core skill empowers me in everything I do...

Whether I'm being an entrepreneur, parent, athlete, coach, teacher, random stranger, writing an email to you, or any other role I may take on...
It's all coming from the same place. Once I figured out what it was, it logically it made sense to me.

However really owning it and communicating it clearly has been very empowering for me.

That's because whenever we give voice to Truth, it grows and lifts us further in life.
(even if the Truth is unpleasant or downright unwanted)
Fortunately in this case, the Truth is pleasant. Just not the way most of us normally think of things being "pleasant."
See, my biggest strength I've realized is NOT in what I know. And it's definitely not in what I do.
The most powerful skill I've developed is in UN-knowing.

It's in allowing the mystery and the Divine to reveal to me what I most need to know.

Everything that manifests originally started in the unknown. Sure it may have been a dream or vision. However, even the dream or vision came out from the darkness, from the emptiness, from the space that is the un-manifested world.

This even includes our thoughts.

Therefore, when we can develop deep faith and trust in our UN-knowing, it enables the Divine to empower and support us with -it's- knowledge that would most benefit us.

And when I reflect back again on my unique approach to coaching, I realize that my biggest gift to you and my coaching clients, it's that I support you with guidance, practices, structure, and insights that help you develop that skill of UN-knowing...

So that you may bring out from the mystery the manifestation of their highest good. 

I don't want to be another "answer giver." No dogma. No ideals.

My intention is and always has been to share my experiences in hopes that they support you in discovering what is true for you. And that's a kind of self-knowledge that you will only find within the depths of the unknown mystery.

Your Partner In Not Knowing,
Chris Cade
Liberate Your Life

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This is what helps me with the time I need to indulge myself in my passion.

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