A Week of Gratitude – Smell
Smell. It is the last sense when we list them and the first we’d let go when posed a “would you rather” question. But smell allows us to taste, and that is something I would never relinquish.
I like this relationship between smell and taste, because it is not unlike what reflection enables in my life. I can chew it up and swallow it, but I cannot know its significance without reflection.
When I am too busy for this kind of prayerful consideration, I come down with a spiritual cold. With blocked passages, I eventually become unable to do anything including that which is keeping me so busy. In these moments, I should follow the steps of getting rid of a real cold: make a cup of tea, curl up on the couch, and rest. In the resting, I will again be able to notice where I feel close to God and when, and perhaps why, I feel distant. As much as smell is essential to taste, so too is reflection to living fully.
As the scents of cinnamon, nutmeg, pumpkin, and turkey waft our way this season, I invite you to consider a well-known song. Instead of “Taste and See” though, I offer “Smell and Taste” as a reminder to notice God’s goodness for us all!
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