Tuesday, 2 July 2013

Toot your talent, Dont blow your horn

The codfish lays 10,000 eggs the homely hen lays one,
The codfish does'nt cackle to tell us what she's done.
And so we scorn the codfish, the homely hen we prize-
which demonstrates to you and me it pays to Advertise! - Unknown.

Many of us fail to realise that it pays dididends to advertise our qualities and capabilities, just as it pays a manufacturer to present his/her products with fanfare and neonsigns. There is on rule that nust be observed "Tell the truth". Telling a lie is braging not advertising. On the other hand not telling people what you really have is as good as not having. Toot your talent.
We are ordinary folks like the homely hen, but with a streak of genius in imitating the homely hen. We cannot cackle - it would sound like a croak, but we can toot our own horn, so lets do it. Toot your talent.
A friend of mine had a shhelf full of joke books, but I've never heard him relate a single joke. "What do you do with these jokes, Bertie? I asked him one day '"Laugh at them" he answered. "Pity" I remarked, "Whats pitiful about it"/ he asked in surprise. "That you did'nt pass them on, Bertie" I explained and he agreed to try out the experiment. We met the next day. :Works well" he beamed "the lunchroom was never so noisy" "never had so much fun before, myself" The fun is mutually infectious. What ever it is 'toot your talent'
It is sometimes irksome not to see SFI 'blowing their trumpet' but 'tooting their horn thru' their 1 million affiliates.
Starting out with just 1 product we've come a long way with our presence in 190 countries and more than 80,000 products in TripleClicks our store. 
They've been around since 1998, built up a strong base over the last 15 years, have a A+ rating with BBB.
All this achieved without 'blowing their trumpet' just tooting their talent pool. Now anyone signing up can do so with peace of mind  brought about by associating with a proven, debt-free organization with a long, successful history.
What are you still waiting for check it out here:  http://www.sfi4.com/12392488/first


AIM HIGH, DREAM BIG ..... and dont forget toot your talent! 

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