Friday, 5 July 2013

Frivilous Fish

The man had been fishing all morning without getting so much as a bite. At last he pulled Up something, it was a tiny minnow. He would have thrown it back into the stream, but today he placed it carefully by his side in the basket – it might bring him more luck. An elderly woman had been watching him from a nearby bench. Now she stepped up and said sharply:’You should be ashamed of yourself. Just imagine keeping that tiny fish, as if you were likely to use it.’ The man looked at her scornfully. What did she know about fishing or fisherman’s luck. Slowly, he answered her: ‘Madam you should take a lesson from that little fish’, he said ‘if he had kept his mouth shut he would not have got into trouble’.!
Very amusing, these fishing tales, here is another good one. Two men went fishing and for some time did’nt get a bite. Then a little boy came along. Soon he pulled out a cunning roach about a foot long; but he threw it back into the water. The men looked on with envious glances. Then he caught an 18 inch pike, this he also threw back.”Why do you throw them back, Sunny’? one of the men asked. “Well,” said the youngster casually, “we’ve only got a six-inch frying pan”. (Something we can learn?)
Fish have enriched, both, our lives and our tables,our litratue even music: listen to Bing Crosby’s Swinging on a star.
“To fool the people is his only thought, and though he’s slippery he still gets caught;
But then, if that sort of life is what you wish, you may grow up to be a fish.”
Some (strange but true) Fishy facts :
A fish called the Climbing Perch (Climbing Gourami) native to sout east Asian countries can ‘climb’ out of water and walk short distances and up trees.
The Flying Fish rises about six feet above the water and can fly upto a hundred feet using its long pectoral fins as wings.
The Electric Eel can produce an electric shock from organs situated in its tail that can kill small fish and animals. (I watched ‘Monsters of the deep’ on discovery that had the narrator track down an electic eel that had killed a young man of a village in Indonesia.)
Fishy Phrases:
To fish in troubled waters
Fishing for compliments.
Having more fish to fry (having more unfinished business)
I can assure you that you would’nt be fishing in troubled waters if you fish with SFI and me.
You'll have a lot more fish to fry, without fishing for compliments, you can be sure!!
Take a hold of your future and sign up now you'll be glad you did.

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