Monday, 8 July 2013

“The grass is greener on the other side”

“The grass is greener on the other side”, Of late I’ve been in and out of this frame of mind and hopping in and out of programs. Anyone with me? Then come right back to what I started off with. I’m miffed, for what? Don’t know. 
Giving little credit to the one with a charming smile and teenageface, sans wrinkles, sans grey hair, sans tired feet or breaking back. Let them do my work for a week, then they’ll know better than to sing gaily and hum merry tunes the livelong day.
Then suddenly the page, from the book I’d been reading, stuck itself in my face and it read:
So envy not the others!
For, if the truth you knew,
You’d find their burden heavier far
Than is the case with you.
Because a fellow, rain or shine,
Can show a smiling face.
Don’t think you’d have an easier time
If you could take his place.
"The grass is Not greener on the other side" 
We think when we have troubles, 
That our neighbour goes scot-free;
Because he puts up a smiling front
And battles on cheerfully.
But no, he too has his troubles,
Yet here the difference lies;
While we go idly mopping around,
The other fellow TRIES!.  AH! so thats the key my friend.

It takes a while to realize, 
"The grass is Not greener on the other side"  
Thanks folks I'm back to what I like doing best, Creating a need and then fulfilling it - Affiliate Marketing. 
Protect yourself this summer 
Dead Sea Mineral Salts, Sunrays Filters, Vitamin E, Fruits Extracts.   

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