Wednesday, 31 July 2013

Versatility - Your name is Bamboo!

Versatility - Your name is Bamboo!

Much has been said about this, one of natures most versatile plants, Bamboo.

Some more info that will surprise you just as it did me.

Bamboo as Food: Bamboo shoot, leaves and stems food for Panda's Elephants.

Bamboo Beer: Said to be absolutely fabulous by those who tasted it.

Bamboo as Medicine: Roots and leaves are used in the treatment of Cancer and venereal disease. Chinese black bamboo shoot is used for Kidney ailments.

Used to promote fertility in cows (may have human applications too)

Bamboo in Fabrics: Its called the new hemp,T-shirts, socks, robes, boxers… your wardrobe can become entirely organic and sustainable.

Bamboo Toys and Utensils.: Kitchen and Tableware. 

Bamboo Diapers:Bamboo cloth is said to retain its antibacterial properties for upto 50 washings.

Bamboo Accessories: Jewelry

Bamboo in Buildings and scaffolding.

Bamboo as musical instruments: Flutes, Digeridoos, Drums etc.,

In the Far East, there is a tree called the
Chinese bamboo tree. This remarkable tree is different from most trees in that
it doesn’t grow in the usual fashion. While most trees grow steadily over a
period of years, the Chinese bamboo tree doesn’t break through the ground for
the first four years. Then, in the fifth year, an amazing thing happens – the
tree begins to grow at an astonishing rate. In fact, in a period of just five
weeks, a Chinese bamboo tree can grow to a height of 90 feet. It’s almost as if
you can actually see the tree growing before your very eyes.

Well, I’m convinced that life often works in a similar way. You
can work for weeks, months and even years on your dream with no visible signs
of progress and then, all of the sudden, things take off. Your business becomes
profitable beyond your wildest dreams. Your marriage becomes more vibrant and
passionate than you ever thought it could be. Your contribution to your church,
social organization and community becomes more significant than you have ever

The needle in Alexander Graham Bell’s first phonograph was made of it and Thomas Edison used it as a filament for his glass bulb. We’re talking about bamboo.

Here is an opportunity that is as versatile as bamboo.

Do you want to work for 40 years or more to make $40,000 a year or less just so you can retire on 40% of what wasn't enough in the first place?

Imagine owning a profitable home business that you could start today WITHOUT:

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Monday, 29 July 2013

Testimonials, just a few

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Contact me for more info

When was the last time you did something for the first time?

When was the last time you did something for the first time?

There was a man who invented the
art of making fire.  He took his tools
and went to a tribe in the north, where it was very cold, bitterly cold.  He taught the people there to make fire.  The people were very interested.  He showed them the uses to which they could
put fire—they could cook, could keep themselves warm, etc.  They were so grateful that they had learned
the art of making fire.  But before they
could express their gratitude to the man, he disappeared.  He wasn’t concerned with getting their
recognition or gratitude;  he was
concerned about their well-being.  He
went to another tribe, where he again began to show them the value of his
invention.  People were interested there,
too, a bit too interested for the peace of mind of their leaders, who began to
notice that this man was drawing crowds and they were losing their
popularity.  So they decided to do away
with him.  They poisoned him, crucified
him, put it any way you like.  But they
were afraid now that the people might turn against them, so they were very
wise, even wily.  Do you know what they
did?  They had a portrait of the man made
and mounted it on the main altar of the temple.
The instruments for making fire were placed in front of the portrait,
and the people were taught to revere the protrait and to pay reverence to the
instruments of fire, which they dutifully did for centuries.  The veneration and the worship went on, but there was no fire.

Rekindle the fire inside of you!
But how?
When was the last time you did something for the first time?
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For more info you can inbox me:

Pope's WYD Homily: 'Go, do not be afraid, and serve'

Pope's WYD Homily: 'Go, do not be afraid, and serve'

Sunday, 28 July 2013

Back to Basics to begin the best

The ABCs of Mother Teresa 

Always have the courage to say sorry.

Be kind, be compassionate.

Control your judgments. 

Don't let yourself get discouraged. 

Every minute is precious - don't waste your time. 

Find out what is nice in each other. 

Give until it hurts. 

Have deep respect for each other. 

If you really want to love God, love one another. 

Just do small things with great love. 

Keep your heart clean. 

Learn to pray, love to pray, and pray often. 

Make time for each other in your family.

Never tell lies. 

Only believe - you are precious to Him(God). 

Put love in whatever you. 

Quite a lot of people have forgotten what love is... so begin to give the joy of  loving. 

Refrain from prejudice. 

Smile at each other. 

Take the trouble to listen. 

Use your talents for the glory of God. 

Very often, we look but we don't see. Let us look AND see. 

When humiliation comes, accept it and offer it. 

EXcuse rather than accuse. 

You must learn to forgive. 

Zeal is a second name for love. Do not lose that zeal !!

Do you want to work for 40 years or more to make $40,000 a year or less just so you can retire on 40% of what wasn't enough in the first place?

Imagine owning a profitable home business that you could start today WITHOUT:

- Technical know-how,

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- Any of the headaches of owning a traditional business.

What if all the tools and techniques were provided for you instantly with simple-to-follow, step-by-step instructions? What if I told you it was FREE to join with NO obligation whatsoever! Interested?

Why not take that important first step and visit:

For more info Inbox me:

Saturday, 27 July 2013

In pursuit of Awareness - II

In pursuit of Awareness - II

Concepts are ‘frozen’ whereas reality is always in flux,
constantly changing, in motion. A wave is essentially a movement, action, but
the moment I put it into a concept it stops moving, ‘frozen’, static, dead. A
frozen wave is not a wave anymore. The Niagara Falls, a body of water that is
constantly changing. We’ve got the word river, but the water there is
constantly flowing. We’ve got the word ‘body’ but the cells in the body are
constantly being renewed. Concepts are always frozen, reality flows. Reality is
whole but words and concepts fragment reality. The English word ‘Home’ is
impossible to translate into Spanish or French. ‘Casa’ is not quite ‘home’

Sit on the beach this week end, watch the flow. Examine the
properties of water, H2O, two parts of Hydrogen one part of Oxygen, consider
bringing these together, will this make water? No. It needs a catalyst –
Electricity. Water is. This IS water. The form changes, Water-Ice, You, Me-
Dust, this IS dust, Table-Wood, this IS wood, but the IS-ness remains – the essence.

Words cannot give you reality, they only point, indicate. You
use them as pointers to get to reality. The philosopher told the priest that
the final barrier to God was the word ‘God’, the concept ‘God’. The priest was
shocked, but the philosopher said: ‘The horse that you ride and travel to your
house is not the means by which you enter the house. You use the concept to get
there, then you dismount and go beyond it’ To know reality you have to know beyond knowing.

Karl Rahner, in one of his last letters, wrote to a young
German drug addict who had asked hin for help. The drug addict in his letter
had said: “You theologians talk about God, but how could this God be relevant
in my life? How could this God get me off drugs?” Here’s Rahner’s reply: “Son,
I must confess to you in all honesty that for me God is and has always been
absolute mystery. I do not understand what God is, no one can. We have
intimations, inklings; we make faltering inadequate attempts to put mystery
into words. But there is no word for it, no sentence for it.” Once in London he
also told a group of young theologians,: “The task of the theologian is to
explain everything through God, and to explain God as unexplainable” Mystery!

Words, they’re only pointers, not descriptions.  

What I’m leading you to is : awareness of reality around you. Awareness means to watch, to observe what is going on within you and around you.  “Going on” is pretty accurate:  Trees,grass, flowers, animals, rock, all of reality is moving.  One observes it, one watches it.  How essential it is for the human being not just to observe himself or herself, but to watch all of reality.  Are you imprisoned by your concepts?  Do you want to break out of your prison?  Thenlook;  observe; spend hours observing.  Watching what? Anything. The faces of people, the shapes of trees, a bird in flight, a pile of stones, watch the grass grow. Get in touch with things, look at them. Hopefully you will then break out of these rigid patterns we have all developed, out of what our thoughts and our words have imposed on us.  Hopefully we will see.  What will we see?  Things, things that we choose to call reality, whatever is beyond words and concepts. This is a spiritual exercise—connected with spirituality –connected with breaking out of your cage, out of the imprisonment of the concepts and words.

How sad if we pass though life and never see it with the eye of a child. This doesn’t mean you should drop your concepts totally; they’re very precious. Though we begin
without them, concepts have a very positive function.  Thanks to them we develop our intelligence.  We’re invited, not to become children, but to become like children. We have to fall from a stage of innocence (O necessary sin of Adam) and be thrown out of paradise;  we do have to develop an “I”and a “me” through these concepts.  But then we need to put off the old man, the old nature, the conditioned self, and
return to the state of the child but without being a child. 

This is a good one for the week end:

The danger of what religion can do is very nicely brought out in a story told by Cardinal Martini, the Archbishop of Milan.  The story has to do with an Italian couple that's getting married.  They have an arrangement with the parish priest to have a little reception in the parish courtyard outside the church.  But it rained, and they couldn't have the reciption, so they said to the priest,  "Would it be all right if we had the celebration in the church"?

Now Father wasn't one bit happy about having a reception in the church, but they said, "We will eat a little cake, sing a little song, drink a litttle wine, and then go home."  So Father was persuaded.  But being good life-loving Italians they drank a little wine, sang a little song, then drank a little more wine, and sang some more songs, and within a half hour there was a great celebration going on in the church.  And everybody was having a great time, lots of fun and frolic.  But Father was all tense, pacing up and down in the sacristy, all upset about the noise they were making.  The assistant pastor comes in and says, "I see you are quite tense".

"Of course, I'm tense.  Listen to all the noise they are making, and in the House of God!, for heaven's sake!"

"Well, we mustn't forget, must we, Father, that Jesus himself was once present at a wedding!"

Father says, "I know Jesus Christ was present at a wedding banquet, YOU don't have to tell me Jesus Christ was present at a wedding banquet!  But they didn't have the Blessed Sacrament there!!!"

Life is a banquet, and the tragedy is that most people are starving to death.

Enjoy a wonder-filled week end.

In pursuit of awareness

In pursuit of awareness

Someone found it very difficult to be aware in her place of work, where there were many people lined up
and many phones were ringing and a lot of distractions, and she was alone. She
also found it extremely difficult to maintain serenity and calm when driving in
traffic with blarring horns and people shouting four-letter words. She asked
whether eventually the nervouness would dissipate and she would remain at
peace. Did you pick up the attachment here? Peace.
She was , in other words, saying ‘unless I’m at peace I wont be happy’. Did it
ever occur to  you that you could be
happy in tension or a depressing situation? You don’t make a goal of relaxation
and sensitivity.

Heard of people getting tense trying to relax? If you’re
tense simply observe your tension. You will never understand yourself if you
seek to change yourself. The harder you try to change yourself the worse it
gets. You are called upon to be aware.
Get the feel of it. In other words come to reality. Allow tension and calmness
to take care of themselves. Matter of fact you’ll be so preoccupied with
reality that you would have to let tension and/or calmness take care of

When an egg is broken form the outside a life is lost, but
when an egg is broken form the inside a life is born. So 
allow reality to happen in your moment. That is ‘evolution’ that is
‘growth’ that is ‘revelation’. Its coming from within, not being imposed, its
not being fragmented by concepts, ideas, words. Its just ‘flowing’, ‘growing’,
‘moving’. This is change, this is growth, this is reality.

Awareness, I being able to step out of myself and observe me.
Try it, keep trying, and it will become second nature to you. You will truly
begin to enjoy it. Before awarenes I was worried, after awareness I am still
worried, difference is I don’t connect with it. This is what scripture talks
about when saying ‘stay awake,’ ‘be alert,’ ‘be aware’. Now nobody can manipulate,
hurt you, control you. You are beyond that. Detached. In the world yet not of
the world. Living life in all its fulness, no fear. Now I am able to identify
me. I am able to see that ‘I AM’. Iam not me, I have come to understand that my
body is changing, millions of cells are renewed every minute that by the end of
seven years there is not a single cell left that was there seven years ago!
Cells come and go. Cells arise and die. But 'I' seem to persist. So, am 'I' my
body? Evidently not. I is somethnig more than the body, ‘Isnt life worth much
more than the body’?

How about my name? Is ‘I’ my name? Evidently not, because I can
change my name without changing the ‘I’. How about career? Religious belief? Is
my religion an essential part of 'I'? Remember the little girl who says to the
boy: ‘Are you presbyterian’? and the boy answers ‘No , we belong to another

Paddy was walking down the street in Belfast, and suddenly
realises a gun pressing against the back of his head and a voice says: ‘Are you
Catholic or Protestant’?. Paddy has to do some pretty fast thinking, he says ‘I’m
a jew’ and he hears the voice say: I’ve got to be the luckiest Arab in the
whole of Belfast’. Labels. They are so important to us.

Labels. I am a republican, but are you really? Does that mean
that you are a new ‘I’ when you switch parties? Are you planning to vote
Republican?. The friend says ‘No, my great-grandfather, grand father and father
were Democrats!’ ‘That’s crazy logic’ the friend says, ‘I mean if your Great grand
father, grand father and father were horse thieves, what would that make you?’
Ah the other replies ‘then I’d be a Republican’!

Labels.Here’s another. A man went to a priest and said:’Father
I want you to say a mass for my dog’. The priest gets indignant, ‘What do you
mean, say a mass for your dog?’Its my pet dog,’ said the man ‘I loved that dog
and I’d like you to offer a mass for him’. The priest says ‘We don’t offer masses
for dogs here, you may try the denomination down the street, ask them if they might
have a service for your dog’. As the man was leaving he said, ‘Too bad. I
really loved that dog. I was planning to offer a million dollar stipend for the
mass’. The priest says, ‘now wait a minute, you did’nt tell me your dog was

So you see labels belong to ‘me’. What constantly changes is ‘me’.
Does the observer change? The fact is, no matter what labels you think up
(except perhaps human being) you should apply them to ‘me’, ‘I’ is none of these
things. So when you step out of yourself and observe ‘me’, you no longer
identify with ‘me’. Suffering exists in ‘me’. When you identify ‘I’ with ‘me’
suffering begins.

When ‘I’ doesn’t identify with any name, nationality,
person,friend, money or any other quality, the 'I' is never threatened. It can be
very active, but never threatened. Think of anything that caused you worry,
pain, anxiety. First, can you pick up the desire under the suffering? What is
that desire?. Second, it is’nt just the desire, there is an identification
there. You have somehow concluded that the ‘well-being of ‘I’, the very
existance of ‘I’ is tied up with this desire. All suffering is caused by my
identifying myself with something, whether that something is within or outside
of me. 

Have a wonder-filled week end! 

Friday, 26 July 2013

Jumpstart Your Business Within A Fortnight With Twitter Marketing!

Jumpstart Your Business Within A Fortnight With Twitter Marketing! 

"Do You Wish To Popularize Your Business Cost Effectively? Ever Considered Using Social Networking Platforms To Share Information About Your Products? How About Finding Out Your Popularity Quotient From Your Target Market?" 

Leverage on social media marketing tactics, give a massive boost to your website traffic and increase your ROI! 

From: Al Mashadi 
RE: Using and Dealing with Twitter 

Did your marketing team tell you that SEM could give your business the necessary leverage? But, with the ensuing cash crunch, you are hardly able to keep your business afloat, leave alone spending more on search engine marketing? What if you could market your products while socializing with friends? Ever considered widening your network of friends, informing them about your products and getting feedback? It’s high time you use TWITTER to promote your business and maximize your revenues! 

Showcase Yourself To The 200 Million Twitter Users And Boost Your Brand Image 

Did you know that there was a 280% increase in the number of tweets per day (TPD) between March 2010 and February 2011? The average TPD in March 2010 was 50 million, while that in February 2011 was a whopping 140 million! Furthermore, the number of tweets sent out on March 11, 2011 was 177 million! Approximately 1 billion tweets are posted every week. In fact, there was a gap of only 3 years and 61 days between the first and the billionth tweet. This clearly proves the huge popularity of Twitter and the potential it holds in advertising your business. However, knowing the important features of the platform and some crucial tricks of the trade can help you optimize your marketing endeavor. 

*Get in touch with your target market, discuss their experiences and participate in industry conversations 

* Gain and insight into what your competitors are doing, monitor their performance, learn a tip or two and do better than them 

* Monitor whatever is being said about your brand in real time and manage your reputation 

* Obtain feedback from users, address the issues, improve your product quality, re-launch it and see its popularity soar 

* Set up feeds to upload your blog posts on Twitter directly and advertise your blog content 

* Announce your offline endeavors and online events, promote new deals, and increase traffic to your website 

* Launch a new product page, quickly tweet it with the URL, drive traffic to the preferred web page and coax conversions 

* Grow your profile, improve the quality of your web pages and widen your readership 

* Follow more people, increase your network of friends, boost your brand awareness while simply conversing with your acquaintances 

* Post your queries, conduct a straw poll, get public opinion and possible clarification of the problems 

* Use Twitter as a listening and communication tool and see yourself become an online sensation 

Read Using and Dealing with Twitter and Enjoy the Sweet Taste of SUCCESS 

Are you not convinced that Twitter can offer you the necessary leverage in your business sphere, quickly? Take a look at what a Canadian Public Relation firm, B-Co Communications, had to say about the power of Twitter: 

â€Å“…thanks to the power of Twitter, b*co [B-Co Communications] appeared in the Globe & Mail this week! Matt Hartley at the Globe put out a question on Twitter, asking if anyone knew any small businesses that were focused on the Olympics, and if there were any interesting stories…I contacted Matt right away, telling him I thought b*co had a pretty good story. And apparently he agreed!” 

It’s time you learn how to use the 140 characters to develop brand awareness. 

Get to know about the top Twitter apps – TweetDeck, Twiterrific, TwitterFox, Tweetie, TwitterFon – and access the platform conveniently. 

Learn about the different Twitter Analytics tool – twInfluence, tweetVolume, Twitter Grader, TweetStats, Twist – and track the latest trends on Twitter. 

Discover some industry best practices and display your products to a wide range of audience. 

Leave your days of entrusting your marketing endeavors on ‘so-called’ professionals. Take promotional initiatives in your own hands and become a role model. 

Learn about the rules designed for spammers and techniques of keeping them away. 

Sit back and see your dream take wings within a matter of weeks. 

The demand for the book is high but the supply low. The stock is depleting fast. Do not lose more time in reading the offer! 

The book is currently available for a low price. However, due to the increasing demand, the price can surge any moment! 

Some of your counterparts have already read the book and launched their marketing campaigns. There is a high probability that your competitors have started attracting LARGER traffic. So, check out the book RIGHT NOW! 

Do not waste more time pondering over the actual worth of the offer. You will realize it as soon as you have the book in your hands. 

ORDER NOW, so that you can get hold of the book at a low price! 

Grab your copy of Using and Dealing with Twitter TODAY! 

Price: $4.95

If you want to get recognized as a brand name to contend with, you cannot miss out on this offer 

ORDER NOW, to learn all the nitty-gritty of Twitter marketing yourself! 

ORDER NOW, to discover what your target market thinks about you! 

ORDER NOW, to become a head honcho and a role model! 

To your success, 

Al Mashadi 

P.S. Buy Using and Dealing with Twitter to have larger number of followers converting into long term clients, within a matter of weeks. 

P.P.S. Are you skeptical about the book’s promise to make you an online sensation within a fortnight? Buy the book RIGHT NOW to understand it’s true worth. 

P.P.P.S. Use the same time that you are taking to read the offer and guess the potential worth of the book to read the book instead. Learn new Twitter marketing strategies and forge ahead to earn S-U-C-C-E-S-S.

Suggestions inbox

Thursday, 25 July 2013

The Next Ten Minutes

Austrlian Nurse Bronnie
Ware: 5 most common regrets of dying people.

I wish I had let myself be happier.

The desire to discover meaning in our lives is a powerful motivator for many people. Some turn to psychotherapy and counseling for help, some turn to spiritual teachings, and many turn to both. "The Next Ten Minutes" is the guide to help us discover the seeds of transformation and meaning in even the most ordinary routines.
"The Next Ten Minutes" consists of a collection of exercises originally created for use in Dr. Peterson̢۪s successful counseling practice. Rather than taking readers out of the everyday, Dr. Peterson invites them to move more deeply into the familiar tasks of ordinary life, such as turning simple breathing, eating, physical love, or throwing out the trash into meditative exercises that can transform your day. Based on both Buddhist philosophy and proven psychology techniques, these succinct and accessible meditations also offer simple and effective methods for therapeutic counseling and personal growth. The power to seize the day is but a few simple steps away.


Retail Price: $17.99

You Save: $6.87 (38%)

Heard of people getting tense trying to relax? If you’re
tense simply observe your tension. You will never understand yourself if you
seek to change yourself. The harder you try to change yourself the worse it
gets. You are called upon to be aware.
Get the feel of it. In other words come to reality. Allow tension and calmness
to take care of themselves. Matter of fact you’ll be so preoccupied with
reality that you would have to let tension and/or calmness take care of
For further info Inbox:

Two words to Take Charge : Dare Yourself

Austrlian Nurse Bronnie
Ware: 5 most common regrets of dying people.

I wish I had the courage to
live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.

It is the first of the five.


Retail Price: $23.99

You Save: $9.87 (41%)

For nearly 10 years, Judge Glenda Hatchett has delighted TV audiences with a brand of justice that turns the everyday into something eminently watchable. Her message can be distilled into the following two words: Dare Yourself. Whatever obstacles or fears one faces, Judge Hatchett's prescription implores readers to write their own story in this life. With care and conviction, Judge Hatchett uses real life stories from the courtroom and her personal life to counsel readers. She shows them how to find their true purpose and gifts, to be real about their reality and its potential outside of challenging circumstances, and to always be true to themselves. Interactive as well as inspirational, Dare to Take Charge challenges the reader to ask self-reflective questions that lead to moments of self-discovery and a defined pathway to healing. Daring her audience to study the positive with the same interest and intensity that they study the negative, Judge Hatchett uncovers the potential for grace and success in lives that are now punctuated with despair and unfaithfulness.

Inbox for further info:



Software for google places ranks checking and tracking, for multiple keywords. - Check rankings for NEUTRAL keywords without location mentioned - Check rankings for any city / suburb / town that google accepts within your chosen country. There is no restriction on the locations you set since the software uses googles own settings to allow you to determine the location. - The software supports several countries, namely Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Hong Kong, India, Italy, Malaysia Netherlands,Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Singapore, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Thailand, Ukraine, United Kingdom, United States. - Ranking information is displayed along side the google page 1 pack count and a simple visual notice is also provided to notify whether the business is on page 1 or not. - Ranking exported to CSV for further analysis. - much more 3 versions, pricing will vary between $47 & $97

If you are a Local Business Owner

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I don’t need to explain the advantages of the software to you folks, I am sure you have seen the value in it already and the peanuts price that it is being offered at. I am an SEO professional myself and use it to track ranks, so I know exactly what you need.
If you are an SEO Professional, you need precise history tracking, client keyword research, location targeting, country targeting, places pack tracking, graphs, client centric interface, automated reporting, on-demand client reports, flexibility of excel, speed and power on your fingertips. Indulge yourself and start saving hours and hours of time to add massive efficiencies to your SEO business.

“Customizable Local and Remote Google Location Settings” Explained
As demonstrated in the video above, the software has 2 tabs – the “Google Places Settings” tab and the “Google Places Rank Tracker” tab. The “Google Places Settings” tab is extremely powerful since it allows you to set the location as you like within Google, so that the ranking results that show up are relevant to the location setup within Google. This enables you to check rankings for businesses and clients in different suburbs / towns / counties / cities or even countries. This feature makes it possible for SEO professionals and Business Owners to track business rankings on Google Places regardless of their physical location. As a result of this, you are no longer bound to the Google IP based location settings for ranking purposes and the results are 100% accurate.
Target Neutral Keywords as well (i.e. Keywords without location in them)
A major advancement in rank tracking and a massive advantage of the Google Places Rank Tracker software is that once you have set the location properly, the software allows you to target neutral keywords such as “carpenter”, in addition to “carpenter + location” or “location + carpenter”. This is a massive advancement and advantage for ranking as business rankings can now be tracked for more important, more competitive and more profitable keywords.
System Requirements
The software is designed to work on Windows Operating Systems (XP / Vista / 7). It will not function on Mac or Linux operating systems.
Minimum System Requirements are noted below.
Pentium IV 2.8 GHz (Pentium IV 3.0 GHz or higher recommended)
Ram: 1GB (2GB or more recommended)
Disk Drive: 60 MB (100 MB or more recommended)
Microsoft Windows XP / Vista / 7
Microsoft .Net Framework 4.0
Microsoft Excel 2003 (For Platinum and Gold Versions only)
Microsoft Internet Explorer 8.0 (recommended). The software works with IE9 too, but we don’t like IE9   

For more info:
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Monday, 22 July 2013

Money talks, we (learn to) listen with interest! (Part 2)

Money talks, we (learn to) listen with interest! (Part 2)

Private Label Credit Cards: Prevent your credit card from becoming a threat to your financial well-being.
The contents herein are the result of  my  own personal observations and bears no reference to any one person or organization. The information is a means of understanding the system and using it to help yourself. So please take time to read and understand it in its entirety.
It can be embarrassing to discuss personal finances with strangers that call you, but understand it is not to harass or embarrass you, it’s a bill collectors job to ask questions pertaining to assisting you with the best possible solutions to suit your circumstance. *Remember the account is yours to dispose off as best you choose so no one can make you do what you don’t want to do and that includes making payments!
Do Not avoid talking to creditors/debt collectors. Asking for assistance is an entitlement as a customer/ client, use it as often as needed. There are payment ‘options’ that are available.
In case of temporary set-backs like, lay-off, reduced work hours, disability etc., and you are aware that you will not have enough money to take care of your CC Bills, do not hesitate to ask for assistance from creditors. Most, if not all of CC issuers/Banks/service providers have ‘payment options’ put in place to help you get over these temporary set-backs. These options are usually a reduced monthly payment of about (between) 1% - 3% of the total balance, depending on the duration, the interest is also reduced to about half or less, on some programs it can even be 0%, than what you would normally pay. (normally interest ranges between 24%-36%). On these payment programs the interest can be anything from 0% -  9% to 15% (approx) and there is No Late fee even though your minimum monthly payment is reduced and less than the amount due. (There will be variations depending on the service provider/s and duration) Duration can be from 12, 24 (upto 48) months or more depending on your situation.
*Eligibility Parameters generally set forth by service providers will be something like or similar to: Out of work, Disability, Loss in income, Natural Disaster, etc., Total balance on the CC must be $300+ the account must be delinquent (2-3 payments past due), No purchases in the last 60 days. (These could vary with CC issuers). The only catch on these programs is that if you miss a payment or it is delayed you are dropped from the program.
Making clever use of these programs will help you get out of debt faster than you think, ie: Only the minimum amount payable each month is specified by the service provider, but anything more than this, is welcome and will not influence the program negatively and will help reduce the balance that much faster. So if you can pay off the balance while on the program you have a winner! No late fees , reduced interest rates, reduced minimum monthly payments, what else can a person ask for.
Check with the Creditor/Service Provider, if there is Insurance on the credit card. (A nominal charge is collected each month towards insurance). Use this, if available, before you consider Debt Consolidation. (In case of insurance you will be required to make No payments at all)  
It is advisable to seek out these programs and use them before you think of Debt Consolidation. Debt Consolidation (Secured/Unsecured) usually requires a collateral, in other words you will be putting your house, vehicle etc., at risk in order to pay off credit card debts. It is rare that lenders will loan without a ‘security’.
Debt consolidation negotiations usually take between 45-60 days for the offer of intent to be sent to the creditor. Meanwhile the account continues to reflect as being delinquent and continue to accrue interest and late fees. Debt consolidation negotiators will usually work with the previous months statement balance and will not include the current dues accrued while the negotiation are in progress, if you are not aware you will end up paying both ends ie. Creditor will continue to charge late fees and interest on the amount due that still reflects as delinquent on the account. A good way to avoid this is to keep the account current while negotiating Debt consolidation. This will require some deft financial handling.
As with all  financial products, and when negotiating Debt Consolidation make sure to check out the credibility of the service provider/financial institution
Debt consolidation. This is a process of “debt displacement” – the moving of debt from many different accounts into one account to save on interest paid or to help with cash flow. Debt consolidation and/or debt management is all about reducing the amount of interest and monthly charges you are paying on your debts.
A debt consolidation loan can be secured (for example, a second mortgage) or unsecured (for example, a personal loan).
* Secured loan. A secured loan is one that is secured by an asset – be it your house or car – which can be repossessed and sold if you are not able to repay the loan. For this reason, you pose less of a risk to the credit provider, and therefore more favourable interest rates apply than those offered on unsecured loans.

If this article has been helpful, Please share.

To raise Financial impropriety issues (PLCC, Mortgage, Personal, Student Loans etc.) you may contact/refer: 

·  JUL 19
·  JUL 18
·  JUL 17

You can inbox  me


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Money talks, we (must learn to) listen with interest! (Part-1)

Money talks, we (must learn to) listen with interest!  (Part-1)

Private Label Credit Cards: Prevent your credit card from becoming a threat to your financial well-being.

It has long been my desire to share with you a few tips and tricks that I have gained over the last 9+ years in the Commercial Financial Services sector, specifically Credit Card Collections, with the intention of assisting  those looking for newer and more workable means of paying off credit card bills. The contents herein are the result of  my  own personal observations and bears no reference to any one person or organization. The information contained is a means of understanding the system and using it to help yourself. So please take time to read and understand it in its entirety.
Given the economic situation we all are in, I’ve put together some useful information that will help you save yourself close to $500 on credit card bills annually, if used wisely.

·        There is a minimum amount due to be paid each month on Credit Card Bills (if you don’t pay off your purchases within thirty days from the date of the purchase). This is calculated based on the total balance+interest+latefee+insurance, if any, and the terms and conditions of the credit card issuer. As far as possible, make your payment on or before the due date.

·        The payment due date is the date by which your payment must reach the creditor to avoid any extra charges. There is also a grace period of a week, (They don’t tell you this but it appears on your statement in the form of: Due date and Billing Date) before the late fee is applied. But the account will have the late fees posted the day immediately after the due date, by default, and you don’t get to see that until the next billing cycle. (The system is programmed to do that).! Collectors make it appear as though they are removing the late fee to assist you (and they do), but it shouldn’t have been there in the first place.!

·         Assuming you have a minimum amount due of $40 each month. When  debt collectors call (the account is delinquent) to collect a payment, they usually will mention something like this:  ‘I am calling to collect a total amount due of $90 which is behind by a payment.’ You are aware that your payment was due on the 19th and you’d missed the payment for July, but $90?. They will not normally give you the breakup unless you ask. The total amount due will constitute, the past due ie. $40 and the current due $50. – *Taking care of the past due will bring the account current, It is not obligatory to pay the total amount due as mentioned by the debt collector. *The phrase “missed a payment” or “behind by a payment” while opening the call, is to unsettle you.

·         Your regular due date being the 19th of each month,the collection call comes in on the 23rd. By this time the  account is delinquent and has already been debited with the late fees (which for the 1st time is $25 and thereon $35), interest and the amount due for the next month, $50 (which really is’nt due until the 19thof Aug) that comprises the total amount due $90.  - * *Private Label Credit Card issuers/banks usually do this – Big picture: if the bank has 100 accounts, and collects the $50 = $5000 x interest x 3weeks.(I leave it to your imagination to figure out the amount of money literally 'contributed' to these companies!)
·         If  your payment due date is the 1ST or 2ND and your paycheck comes in on the same date it will be wise to post date a check for the 1st or 2nd and mail it out at least 10 days before the due date. Even if the check arrives early it cannot be cashed until the date it is made out for. Alternatively you can post date a pay-by-phone for the due date which will coincide with your pay check. *There is NO service charge for payments by phone.

·         Oftentimes the CC Statement comes in with little or no time to make the payment, or not at all. It occurs more with new accounts where the 1st statement usually comes in after the due date. * You can, in this case request for a waiver/credit of the late-fees which should be complied with and will reflect in the next statement. Keep CC information ie; Billing Address, email ID, Telephone #’s, current to avoid unnecessary charges. If you have opted for electronic bills, check the ‘spam’ folder if you do not find a statement in your inbox.

·         Check your statement regularly! If your minimum amount due is $40 and you send, in all good faith, $30, it is credited but with the late fees and your minimum amount due will now move up to more than $40, and you will not be aware if you do not check your statement. (On line if you opted for electronic bills). This happens when you have set up an on line payment ,automatic, through your bank.
·         Another area that you need to pay attention to is that when you make a payment, let’s say a pay-by-phone, the account is to be credited and the account is deemed ‘current’.  But usually debt collectors would mention that the account will be current as soon as the funds clear the bank, which is incorrect. In other words all recurring charges must stop, but do they?

10(a) General Rule. (Frank-Dodd Act)
1. Crediting date. Section 1026.10(a) does not require the creditor to
post the payment to the consumer's account on a particular date; the
creditor is only required to credit the payment as of the date of
2. Date of receipt. The “date of receipt” is the date that the payment
instrument or other means of completing the payment reaches the
creditor. For example:
i. Payment by check is received when the creditor gets it, not when
the funds are collected. 
(Ref: Consumer Financial Protection Bureau)
“A system of periodic Quality Assurance reviews, the scope of which
includes, but is not limited to, reviews of training materials and scripts, as
well as real-time monitoring and recording of telemarketing and customer
service calls in their entirety, consistent with applicable laws;
Review policies and procedures for products with features that may
inhibit consumer understanding or otherwise pose heightened risks of
unfair, deceptive, or abusive practices.
.” (Ref: Consumer Financial Protection Bureau)

·         When making automatic payments on line or using your bank info. on the automatic telephone payment machine make sure you counter check after the entry is made to see if the system has updated the payment info. correctly. Alternatively check with the bank to ensure the payment is scheduled to come out correctly. This way you can avoid the extra charges.

·         When making on line payments always schedule the date for the payment to clear your bank. In the event you do not put a payment date, the system will take the next due date by default and you will end up paying the interest which is calculated on a daily basis.

·         Few merchants issue PLCC cards by default (merchants/stores that do not accept payments) Amazon, Gap, Banana Republic, Old Navy etc., While filling out applications, store attendants/cashiers request some form of identity. Most give the drivers license or another debit/credit card which is then used to swipe the address/information . Consumers sometimes misunderstand this for a payment being made and do not pay attention to the follow-up calls or statements from the merchant. Now according to the FDCPA/FTC the merchant (CC issuer/bank) is not authorized to call until a certain period of time or the bill is for a stipulated minimum, So if you make a purchase of $20 then you will probably be called 2 months later and your bill will then be: $20+$20LF+$35LF+Interest as applicable.  This leads to a gross inflation of the bill with all the extra charges added. Even if disputed, you will still end up paying a lot more than you normally would, because the maximum that a bill collector can do is to waive a late fee, and that’s not much when compared to the bill! (Waiver/s will always be the least amount on the bill)

·         Make the minimum payment required each month as mentioned in your statement. (Even a dollar less will attract a late fee as it will reflect as a partial payment) with all extra charges applicable.

We will look at other Payment Options and Debt Consolidation in the next PR.

To raise Financial impropriety issues (PLCC, Mortgage, Personal, Student Loans etc.) you may contact/refer:    (Consumer Financial Protection Bureau)
·  JUL 19
·  JUL 18
·  JUL 17

You can reach me
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