Some say there are only two things in the world: God and Fear; Love and Fear are the only two things. There’s only one evil in the world, fear. There’s only one good in the world, love. Its sometimes called bu other names, God, Peace, Joy or whatever, thwe label does’nt really matter. And there’s not a single evil in the world that you cannot trace back to fear. Not one.
Ignorance and fear, ignorance caused by fear, that’s where all the evil comes from, that’s where violence comes from. The person who is truly non-violent, who is incapable of violence, is the person who is fearless. Its only when you are afraid that you become angry. Think of the last time you were angry. Go ahead. Search for the fear behind it. What were you afraid of losing? What were you afraid would be taken away from you? That’s where the anger comes from. Think of an angry person, maybe someone you’re afraid of. Can you see how frightened he/she is.? He/she is really frightened or he/she would’nt be angry. Ultimately there are only two things: love and fear
There’s an African tribe where capital punishment consists of being ostracized. How is that the tribesmen die? Because they partake of the common stupidity of humanity. They think they will not be able to live if they dont belong to anybody, anything or any group. You don’t need to, who told you you do? What you really need is to be free. What you need is to love. That’s it; that’s our nature. But what we’re actually saying is we want to be desired, to be applauded, be attractive all those little things runing after us. Don’t waste your life, you don’t need this, you can be blissfully happy without it.
Society is not going to be happy to hear this, because now you become terrifying to them when you open your eyes and understand this. You’ve cut all those strings; you’re not a puppet any longer. How can society control one such as this? So you’re terrifying, and they’ve got to get rid of you. You tell the truth, you’ve become fearless, you’ve stopped being human. Human! Behold! A human being at last! He broke out of slavery, out of their prison.
Reminds me of an Irish prisoner, who dug a tunnel under the prison wall and escaped. He comes out right in the middle of a playground where little children are playing. He cannot restrain himself any more and begins to jump up and down crying, “I’m Free,! I’m Free! A little girl looks at him scornfully and says: “That’s nothing, I’m four!”
Four steps to Wisdom
Become aware of your negative feelings. Lots of us are unaware of our negative feelings. Get in touch with those feelings.
Understand that the feeling is inside you, not in reality. Stop trying to change reality. Lets suppose the rain washes out a picnic. Who’s feeling negative,Whats causing the negative feeling? The rain or your reaction? You bump your knee against the table, the table is fine, its busy being what it is, a table. The pain is in your knee not the table.
Never identify with the feeling, it has nothing to do with the ‘I’. Do not indetify yourself in terms of a feeling. Don’t say “I’m depressed”. “I’m gloomy”. You can say, “Its depressing, it’s gloomy” that’s fine, but don’t say “I’m depressed…” that’s the illusion, the mistake. All this is to do with the ‘me’ not the ‘I’ and it will pass. I you don’t identify with it, if you remember (constantly remind yourself) this you’re fine. There is no situation in the world that justifies a ngative feeling. Miestr Eckhart says it beautifully: “God is not attained by a process of addition to anything in the soul, but by a process of subtraction” . You don’t do anything to be free, you drop something.!
The fourth step: How to change things? How do we change ourselves? “Be the change you want to see”. The person who is unaware thinks he/she’ll feel better if husband, or wife , boss or neighbor changed, life will be wonderful. You’re just as vulnerable as before, just as fearful. You keep insisting ”I feel good because the world is right”. Wrong
“The world is right because I feel good”, that’s what its all about!
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