Continued from: Like Dogs and Cats1
There was lots of grain in Egypt, and therefore lots of mice and rats who love to eat grain. The Egyptians were very happy to have cats live with them so the cats could get rid of the mice and rats. They liked the cats so much they began to worship cats. The Egyptians called the cat Goddess: Bastet. The Egyptians made a rule that anyone who killed a cat would be put to death. When a cat died it's body was turned into a mummy, and placed in special cat cemeteries throughout Egypt. There were statues of the cat Goddess Bastet all over Egypt. Ever since that time cats started to think of themselves as aristocats. Cats became stuck up, regal and cool towards humans, even those who feed and hug them.
Many years later Abraham and Sarah visited Egypt. They saw all the statues of the cat goddess Bastet. Abraham thought that worshipping a statue of a cat was ridiculous. But the Egyptians also worshipped several other animals; Horus the hawk God, Hathor the cow Goddess, Sobek the crocodile God, and the sun God Re in the form of a scarab beetle. Sarah thought that worshipping a beetle was the silliest thing she could imagine, until she learned that the Egyptians also worshipped their king Pharaoh, who they believed was the Divine son of the God Amun-Re. Sarah had met the king Pharaoh and she knew that he was not the Son of God. Sarah felt believing a human was God, or the Son of God, was even worse than worshipping a cat or a hawk. It was an insult to God, who had given humans the ability to think and pray.
Abraham and Sarah left Egypt and returned to the Land of Israel where they never allowed into their home, statues of any animal or person that other people worshipped. Abraham and Sarah's descendants learned never to pray before an animal or a human being, but to pray only to God alone. Cats stayed cool and regal while dogs remained warm and very friendly. Even with their very different personalities some dogs and cats learned to live together, without fighting like cats and dogs.
Many years later Abraham and Sarah visited Egypt. They saw all the statues of the cat goddess Bastet. Abraham thought that worshipping a statue of a cat was ridiculous. But the Egyptians also worshipped several other animals; Horus the hawk God, Hathor the cow Goddess, Sobek the crocodile God, and the sun God Re in the form of a scarab beetle. Sarah thought that worshipping a beetle was the silliest thing she could imagine, until she learned that the Egyptians also worshipped their king Pharaoh, who they believed was the Divine son of the God Amun-Re. Sarah had met the king Pharaoh and she knew that he was not the Son of God. Sarah felt believing a human was God, or the Son of God, was even worse than worshipping a cat or a hawk. It was an insult to God, who had given humans the ability to think and pray.
Abraham and Sarah left Egypt and returned to the Land of Israel where they never allowed into their home, statues of any animal or person that other people worshipped. Abraham and Sarah's descendants learned never to pray before an animal or a human being, but to pray only to God alone. Cats stayed cool and regal while dogs remained warm and very friendly. Even with their very different personalities some dogs and cats learned to live together, without fighting like cats and dogs.
By Rabbi Allen S Maller
Even after
all this time,
The sun never says to the earth,
“You owe me.”
Look what happens with
A love like that.
It lights up the whole sky. —
all this time,
The sun never says to the earth,
“You owe me.”
Look what happens with
A love like that.
It lights up the whole sky. —
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